Roly Poly Pangolin

By Anna Dewdney.

Roly Poly Pangolin


Roly Poly, very small, doesn?t like new things at all. Meet Roly Poly Pangolin?a little pangolin who?d rather stick close to his mama instead of facing anything unfamiliar. Whether it?s a line of ants, a friendly monkey, or a loud noise, Roly Poly runs the other way. Then he hears something that really scares him. So he does what all pangolins do when they?re frightened?he rolls up into a tiny ball. But Roly Poly is surprised when he finally peeks out, because another ball is peeking back . . . it?s a small pangolin just like him! Anna Dewdney has created another irresistible character to r...


0670011606, 9780670011605


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